Miami, Florida, April 15, 2012 Stormy Smoleny Ph.D., nationally certified psychoanalyst and author will be giving a talk on her latest book, Truths from the Self: Insights into Finding Wisdom in the Present MomentThe event will take place at Books & Books in Coral Gables on Tuesday, April 17, at 8:00 pm. The address of Books and Books is 265 Aragon Avenue, Coral Gables. Following Dr. Smoleny’s talk, book signings will be available.


Truths from the Self is an insightful guide to discovering the ever-changing wisdom of the present moment and its application to every facet of our lives. Moving us beyond fixed beliefs and rigid value systems, this book shows us how to transform ideological absolutes into flexible responses based on the realities of the current situation. Both practical and philosophical,


Truths from the Self shows us how to find our inner truth, evaluate our motivations, assess our current reality, and emerge with powerful options for our lives. It helps us to see clearly into the nature of a person or situation in our present moment, differentiate between factors without judgment, and shed our fears of evaluating reality with clarity and common sense. A superior guide to comporting ourselves with both strength and sensitivity, this book illustrates how to bring wisdom to each new situation and respond in the best possible manner to our present-moment circumstances.





Stormy Smoleny Ph.D., LMHC, LP, NCPsyA is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in the State of Florida, a Licensed Psychoanalyst in the State of New York, and a Nationally Certified Psychoanalyst. Her specialty is modern psychoanalysis. She has been in private practice for 30 years, and has worked with individuals, couples, families and groups. Before going into clinical practice, she worked as an organizational psychologist assisting organizations with team building, stress management, and conflict resolution. She has also taught psychology courses at Miami-Dade College for more than 30 years.


In addition to her psychological pursuits, Dr. Smoleny has studied philosophy, spirituality, metaphysics, nutrition, exercise, and alternative healing. For those who prefer a more holistic approach to psychotherapy, she offers a unique blend of traditional and non-traditional thought.




Interview & Review Copy Request Contact:
Jpeg of author photo and book jacket available upon request.

Written by Stormy Smoleny Ph.D.
Published by Indigo Reef Publishing
Genre: Inspirational/Personal Growth
Publication Date: January 7, 2012
Softcover $15.95
ISBN-10: 0-9789957-1-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-9789957-1-3
LCCN: 2011913371



Miami, Florida, November 1, 2011 — TRUTHS FROM THE SELF: INSIGHTS INTO FINDING WISDOM IN THE PRESENT MOMENT (Indigo Reef Publishing: January 7, 2012: $15.95: Softcover).

“Too many of us base our life choices on static, ideological guidelines rather than on the actual needs of the present moment. In this process we relinquish our dynamic inner truth and forgo an accurate assessment of that which currently stands before us. We end up living in a sterile world of should’s and shouldn’ts, giving too much, oftentimes losing ourselves in the process. Even worse, we may lapse into relating to others via a clash of ideologies rather than through a sensitive consideration and appraisal of the individuals and realities at hand.”

Truths from the Self is an insightful guide to discovering the ever-changing wisdom of the present moment and its application to every facet of our lives. Moving us beyond fixed beliefs and rigid value systems, this book shows us how to transform ideological absolutes into flexible responses based on the realities of the current situation. Both practical and philosophical, Truths from the Self shows us how to find our inner truth, evaluate our motivations, assess our current reality, and emerge with powerful options for our lives. It helps us to see clearly into the nature of a person or situation in our present moment, differentiate between factors without judgment, and shed our fears of evaluating reality with clarity and common sense. A superior guide to comporting ourselves with both strength and sensitivity, this book illustrates how to bring wisdom to each new situation and respond in the best possible manner to our present-moment circumstances.

Truths from the Self shows us . . .

How to find our inner truth;

“Inner truth is found in our present-moment experience of self and of the world around us. It lies beyond our intellect and makes itself known through awareness of all that is going on within and without. It arises out of an ongoing familiarity and connection with life.”

The difference between inner truth and self-gratification;

“Self-gratification is about the satiation of our own needs. The search for inner truth may take our needs into account, but it is not based on the satisfaction of our needs. Inner truth is more about becoming aware of our needs, delaying their gratification, understanding their origins, determining if they must be filled at all, and, if so, considering all possibilities for their fulfillment, some being more inclusive of the whole than others. It involves pausing to allow a greater awareness of who we are in our totality (who we are beyond the confines of our egos), determining how we can best express this, and finally, following a course of action that reflects these considerations.”

The importance of exercising our powers of differentiation;

“The ability to differentiate is a prerequisite for learning to distinguish between things that are good for us and things that are not, between ways that we choose to use our energies and ways that we do not. Differentiation allows us to be discriminating in our choices. It is a good thing. Healthy differentiation infers that all situations do not call for the same response. It eschews the possibility that any ideology, belief, value, or way of being automatically provides all the answers, demanding, instead, that we thing and feel for ourselves.”

● The importance of dealing with reality rather than idealized images;

“When it comes to a discriminating use of our energy, reality is our ally because it allows us to assess people and/or situations accurately, thereby enabling us to determine the most auspicious us of our energy. If we fail to do so, we end up investing our energy foolishly, making it available despite the realities inherent to the situation or the people involved. In this process, we open ourselves to others who are harmful or simply to others who are limited, and we find ourselves idealizing too much, giving too much, and trusting too much.”

Three energies that must be mastered in order to act with present-moment wisdom;

“There are three ways that we can direct our core energy. One, we can assert it, expend it, and send it forth. Two, we can pull it back, draw it in, or create a receptive space. Three, we can maintain this core energy and hold it steady, neither asserting nor withdrawing it. There are no ultimate rights or wrongs regarding how we use our core energy: there is only the need to direct our energy wisely. Directly our energy wisely requires that we assert, pull back, or hold it steady, always within the context of our truth to ourselves, in the correct timing, and in the correct situation.”


Stormy Smoleny, Ph.D, LMHC, NCPsyA, LP is a licensed mental health counselor in the state of Florida (MH1448), a licensed psychoanalyst in New York state (000595-1), and a nationally certified psychoanalyst (P931223). She has post-doctoral certification in psychoanalysis, a doctorate in counseling psychology, and a master’s degree in management/organizational psychology. She has been in private practice for thirty years, and has worked with individuals, couples, families, and groups. Before going into clinical practice, she worked as an organizational psychologist assisting organizations with teambuilding, stress management, and conflict resolution. She has taught psychology courses at Miami-Dade College for over thirty years.

Dr. Smoleny’s specialty is modern psychoanalysis. She has also studied philosophy, spirituality, metaphysics, nutrition, exercise, and alternative healing. For those who prefer a more holistic approach to psychotherapy, she offers a unique blend of traditional and non-traditional thought.


Interview & Review Copy Request Contact:
Jpeg of author photo and book jacket available upon request.

Written by Stormy Smoleny Ph.D.
Published by Indigo Reef Publishing
Genre: Inspirational/Personal Growth
Publication Date: January 7, 2012
Softcover $15.95
ISBN-10: 0-9789957-1-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-9789957-1-3
LCCN: 2011913371



Wise Women Groups Forming Now!

Free Introductory Group

You are invited to join a group of personal-growth oriented women for an exploration of various psychological topics. Each week there will be a short lecture on a topic of choice and then a forum for sharing and discussion. Do you have an interest in a particular topic? Personal requests are welcome. Get the information you need. The groups will be 1 ½ hours long, once a week and will be facilitated by Stormy Smoleny Ph.D., LMHC, LP, NcPsyA , a nationally certified psychoanalyst. Come, make friends with like-minded women, and be sure to bring your own life experiences, questions, and, of course, your inner wisdom. $25 a group after free introductory group.

Location: Kendall Professional Building right by Baptist Hospital

To Register call Stormy Smoleny Ph.D. at 305-412-9885 or send an e-mail to Tuesdays @ 10 am. Let me know if you need other days and times.










Book signings available November 9, 10, 11



Miami, Fla., October 18, 2007 – Stormy Smoleny Ph.D., nationally certified psychoanalyst and author will be autographing her new book, “In Search of the Unwanted Self,” at the Miami Book Fair International on November 9, 10, and 11 (Section F, Booth number 115, Indigo Reef Publishing). A long-time psychology instructor at Miami-Dade College (Kendall Campus), Dr. Smoleny now brings her expertise to the printed page. In her new book, she shows the way to resolve inner conflicts that lead to depression and anxiety, particularly the conflict over whether or not to disown the unwanted parts of self or to address them.


“Most of us try to be positive, constructive, and spiritual in our outlook, only to inadvertently overlook the part of us that desperately needs our love and understanding — the part of us that if continually disowned, will wreck havoc within us,” says Dr. Smoleny.


A self-help book within a novel, her book takes readers on a compelling inner journey to find and reclaim the disowned self – the abandoned, unaided part of us that must live outside our love because it’s too negative, too painful or too threatening.In Search of the Unwanted Self” shows readers how to execute a daring rescue of their unwanted self, allowing them to reinstate it to its rightful place in their psyche. Illustrating the restorative power of integrated negative emotion, this book challenges the notion that all negative emotion is undesirable and detrimental, revealing the psychological and spiritual benefits of identifying, understanding, and embracing all parts of the self.


“Moving beyond traditional therapeutic technique, In Search of the Unwanted Self helps you understand the constructive use of aggression. It shows you how to enlist the power of your negative side, using it to bring balance and peace back to your life,” said author, Dr. Stormy Smoleny.


Featuring a series of conversations between a young woman suffering a loss and a psychoanalyst suffering her own, this book both educates and entertains, offering readers a new way of thinking about their negative side. To the delight of South Floridians, it delivers its message within a familiar local context, the story set between Miami and the Bahamas.



“In Search of the Unwanted Self” will help readers learn:


About the powerful healing effect of correctly processed aggression.


How to responsibly process negative emotion.


How integrating negative emotion eliminates depression and anxiety.


About the lies we tell our emotional self.


About the unitive state, where good and bad coexist.


How the quest for purity can deter your spiritual development.





Stormy Smoleny Ph.D., LMHC, LP, NCPsyA is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in the State of Florida, a Licensed Psychoanalyst in the State of New York, and a Nationally Certified Psychoanalyst. Her specialty is modern psychoanalysis. She has been in private practice for 25 years, and has worked with individuals, couples, families and groups. Before going into clinical practice, she worked as an organizational psychologist assisting organizations with team building, stress management, and conflict resolution. She has also taught psychology courses at Miami-Dade College for more than 30 years.


In addition to her psychological pursuits, Dr. Smoleny has studied philosophy, spirituality, metaphysics, nutrition, exercise, and alternative healing. For those who prefer a more holistic approach to psychotherapy, she offers a unique blend of traditional and non-traditional thought.



Interview & Electronic Copy Request   Contact:

Jpeg of author photo and book jacket available upon request.

Hard copy available for review.



Written by Stormy Smoleny Ph.D.

Published by Indigo Reef Publishing (305) 274-4355

Genre: Inspirational/Personal Growth/Fiction

Publication Date: May 30, 2007

Hardcover $22.95

ISBN-10: 0-9789957-0-8

ISBN 13: 978-0-9789957-0-6

LCCN: 2006940127














Book signings available November 9, 10, 11



Miami, Fla., October 18, 2007 – Stormy Smoleny Ph.D., nationally certified psychoanalyst and author will be autographing her new book, “In Search of the Unwanted Self,” at the Miami Book Fair International on November 9, 10, and 11 (Section F, Booth number 115, Indigo Reef Publishing). A long-time psychology instructor at Miami-Dade College (Kendall Campus), Dr. Smoleny now brings her expertise to the printed page. In her new book, she shows the way to resolve inner conflicts that lead to depression and anxiety, particularly the conflict over whether or not to disown the unwanted parts of self or to address them.


“Most of us try to be positive, constructive, and spiritual in our outlook, only to inadvertently overlook the part of us that desperately needs our love and understanding — the part of us that if continually disowned, will wreck havoc within us,” says Dr. Smoleny.


A self-help book within a novel, her book takes readers on a compelling inner journey to find and reclaim the disowned self – the abandoned, unaided part of us that must live outside our love because it’s too negative, too painful or too threatening.In Search of the Unwanted Self” shows readers how to execute a daring rescue of their unwanted self, allowing them to reinstate it to its rightful place in their psyche. Illustrating the restorative power of integrated negative emotion, this book challenges the notion that all negative emotion is undesirable and detrimental, revealing the psychological and spiritual benefits of identifying, understanding, and embracing all parts of the self.


“Moving beyond traditional therapeutic technique, In Search of the Unwanted Self helps you understand the constructive use of aggression. It shows you how to enlist the power of your negative side, using it to bring balance and peace back to your life,” said author, Dr. Stormy Smoleny.


Featuring a series of conversations between a young woman suffering a loss and a psychoanalyst suffering her own, this book both educates and entertains, offering readers a new way of thinking about their negative side. To the delight of South Floridians, it delivers its message within a familiar local context, the story set between Miami and the Bahamas.



“In Search of the Unwanted Self” will help readers learn:


— About the powerful healing effect of correctly processed aggression.


— How to responsibly process negative emotion.


— How integrating negative emotion eliminates depression and anxiety.


— About the lies we tell our emotional self.


— About the unitive state, where good and bad coexist.


— How the quest for purity can deter your spiritual development.





Stormy Smoleny Ph.D., LMHC, LP, NCPsyA is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in the State of Florida, a Licensed Psychoanalyst in the State of New York, and a Nationally Certified Psychoanalyst. Her specialty is modern psychoanalysis. She has been in private practice for 25 years, and has worked with individuals, couples, families and groups. Before going into clinical practice, she worked as an organizational psychologist assisting organizations with team building, stress management, and conflict resolution. She has also taught psychology courses at Miami-Dade College for more than 30 years.


In addition to her psychological pursuits, Dr. Smoleny has studied philosophy, spirituality, metaphysics, nutrition, exercise, and alternative healing. For those who prefer a more holistic approach to psychotherapy, she offers a unique blend of traditional and non-traditional thought.



Interview & Electronic Copy Request   Contact:

Jpeg of author photo and book jacket available upon request.

Hard copy available for review.



Written by Stormy Smoleny Ph.D.

Published by Indigo Reef Publishing (305) 274-4355

Genre: Inspirational/Personal Growth/Fiction

Publication Date: May 30, 2007

Hardcover $22.95

ISBN-10: 0-9789957-0-8

ISBN 13: 978-0-9789957-0-6

LCCN: 2006940127














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